This API helps to download bulk e-invoices in PDF format.
The E-Invoice PDF Download API streamlines the process of obtaining electronic invoices in PDF format programmatically. Users authenticate securely using methods like API keys or OAuth tokens. This API offers flexibility through customizable query parameters, allowing users to retrieve specific invoices based on criteria such as invoice number or date range. The output is standardized in the widely accepted PDF format, ensuring accessibility and consistency across platforms. This API helps to download Bulk E-invoices at once.
Data to Test Integration
Header | Data |
IRP-USERNAME | test_24_001 |
IRP-PASSWORD | Trial63$value |
Authorization will be of Basic Type. Key Value and Secret Value shall be entered as authorization tokens.
Key Value | hylo_1242_bf18f7c9e196ae89 |
Secret Value | $2a$10$vhAGOlRBeAkMN9w5DpKIJ.bvF |
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Code": "0",
"Message": "Bulk IRN downloaded successfully",
"Status": "APPROVED",
"FileData": "PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz4KPEVycm9yPjxDb2RlPkFjY2Vzc0RlbmllZDwvQ29kZT48TWVzc2FnZT5BY2Nlc3MgRGVuaWVkPC9NZXNzYWdlPjxSZXF1ZXN0SWQ+SlhISzU3QkFHRlZOSzdaUjwvUmVxdWVzdElkPjxIb3N0SWQ+QWFsWFBWa1E3Z2VncVBzM0VTVmVia3JoNkFkaVQzcU1uMUdaWkJWaHBDZG9RSU92Z2RzUWpWOENkeG9wVENRSnF0bTQ4dWh3dkxNPTwvSG9zdElkPjwvRXJyb3I+"
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